

Bluefish is a template for the development of myriad scenes depicting encounters that reflected the whole range of modern human experience and relations, the transactions, emotional, spiritual and psychological as the world turned upside down and the seeds of change rained down.

Brothers discuss their mental health issues with devastating results...a young therapist is confronted by a traumatized ICU actor auditions for a famous director who was once a high school isolated wife and a lonely fishmonger haggle over the freshness of salmon...a European woman and a Black American man confront police brutality...a father reaches out to his daughter in the US from a South American prison...siblings fight over how best to honor a Grandmother who survived the Holocaust but not CoVid...and more...


The name Bluefish originally refers to the aggressive ocean dwellers that cannot be confined together without devouring each other. Clark felt this was a powerful metaphor for the enforced conditions we were all experiencing. Bluefish was performed live across the globe via Zoom to several hundred invited guests. The response was overwhelmingly positive and provoked a lot of thoughtful discussion. Despite the primitive aspect of the technology the ‘live film’ connected with the audience on a surprisingly intimate level, and a plan to develop the material into a feature film evolved. Bluefish will now be recaptured in 4K and superior sound,

remotely from locations all across the globe, to allow us to share this unique anthology film featuring an internationally recognized cast to a worldwide audience.

“The screen is a window, reach through”
— Clark Middleton